1 comment about Guyanese Dollars and Somali Shillings conversion

This Guyanese Dollar and Somali Shilling convertor is up to date with exchange rates from March 27, 2025.

Enter the amount to be converted in the box to the left of Guyanese Dollar. Use "Swap currencies" to make Somali Shilling the default currency. Click on Somali Shillings or Guyanese Dollars to convert between that currency and all other currencies.

The Guyanese Dollar is the currency in Guyana (GY, GUY). The Somali Shilling is the currency in Somalia (SO, SOM). The symbol for GYD can be written G$. The symbol for SOS can be written So Sh. The Guyanese Dollar is divided into 100 cents. The Somali Shilling is divided into 100 centesimi. The exchange rate for the Guyanese Dollar was last updated on May 3, 2023 from Yahoo Finance. The exchange rate for the Somali Shilling was last updated on June 5, 2023 from MSN. The GYD conversion factor has 4 significant digits. The SOS conversion factor has 3 significant digits.

200 530
500 1326
1000 2652
2000 5304
5000 13,259
10,000 26,519
20,000 53,038
50,000 132,594
100,000 265,188
200,000 530,376
500,000 1,325,940
1,000,000 2,651,880
2,000,000 5,303,759
5,000,000 13,259,398
10,000,000 26,518,797
20,000,000 53,037,594
50,000,000 132,593,985
GYD rate
May 3, 2023
500 189
1000 377
2000 754
5000 1885
10,000 3771
20,000 7542
50,000 18,855
100,000 37,709
200,000 75,418
500,000 188,546
1,000,000 377,091
2,000,000 754,182
5,000,000 1,885,455
10,000,000 3,770,910
20,000,000 7,541,820
50,000,000 18,854,551
100,000,000 37,709,101
SOS rate
June 5, 2023

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conversion de dolar guyano a dolar norteamericano

hola nesesito saber la conversion del dolar de ee.uu a el dolar guyano. muchas gracias.
