This currency convertor is up to date with exchange rates from March 24, 2025.
Enter the amount to be converted in the box to the left of the currency and press the "convert" button. To show Jamaican Dollars and just one other currency click on any other currency.
The Jamaican Dollar is the currency in Jamaica (JM, JAM).
The symbol for JMD can be written J$.
The Jamaican Dollar is divided into 100 cents.
The exchange rate for the Jamaican Dollar was last updated on June 5, 2023 from MSN.
The JMD conversion factor has 5 significant digits.
Currency Conversion Comments
How much is 73,000 jamaican currency in united states currency?
ho much is $100 American dollars worth in Jamaica at this time
I couldnt find the exchange rate for United Kingdom- England
I couldnt find the exchange rate for United Kingdom- England. (GBP)
Why is it not listed ?
what is the worth of 5 million jamaican dollars in canadian money?
Jackie: J$73000: That's about $1080 US
Juliet: That's J$6800
Is under P for Pound not GBP where it should be or UK - very strange !
as above couldnt find the rate for United Kingdom-England and if the lady above has sent this message already then it still has not been rectified poor service.......