3 comments about Euros and Turkish Lira conversion

This Euro and Turkish Lira convertor is up to date with exchange rates from March 13, 2025.

Enter the amount to be converted in the box to the left of Euro. Use "Swap currencies" to make Turkish Lira the default currency. Click on Turkish Lira or Euros to convert between that currency and all other currencies.

AustriaBelgiumEstoniaFinlandFranceGermanyGreeceIrelandItalyLuxembourgLatviaMonacoMaltaNetherlandsPortugalSan MarinoSloveniaSlovakiaSpainVatican CityMartinique
TurkeyNorthern Cyprus
Other countries and currencies

The Euro is the currency in Andorra (AD, AND), Austria (AT, AUT), Belgium (BE, BEL), Estonia (EE, EST), Europe (EU, the European Union), Finland (FI, FIN), France (FR, FRA), Germany (DE, DEU), Greece (GR, GRC), Ireland (IE, IRL), Italy (IT, ITA), Luxembourg (LU, LUX), Latvia (LV, LVA), Monaco (MC, MCO), Malta (MT, MLT), Netherlands (NL, NLD), Portugal (PT, PRT), San Marino (SM, SMR), Slovenia (SI, SVN), Slovakia (Slovak Republic, SK, SVK), Spain (ES, ESP), Vatican City (Holy See, VA, VAT), French Guiana (GF, GUF), Guadeloupe (GP, GLP), Martinique (MQ, MTQ), and Reunion (RE, REU). The Turkish Lira is the currency in Turkey (TR, TUR), and Northern Cyprus. The Turkish Lira is also known as the Yeni Turk Lirasi. The symbol for EUR can be written €. The symbol for TRY can be written YTL. The Euro is divided into 100 cents. The Turkish Lira is divided into 100 new kurus. The exchange rate for the Euro was last updated on March 13, 2025 from The International Monetary Fund. The exchange rate for the Turkish Lira was last updated on June 5, 2023 from MSN. The EUR conversion factor has 6 significant digits. The TRY conversion factor has 5 significant digits.

0.50 11.67
1.00 23.35
2.00 46.69
5.00 116.73
10.00 233.45
20.00 466.90
50.00 1167.25
100.00 2334.50
200.00 4669.01
500.00 11,672.52
1000.00 23,345.04
2000.00 46,690.07
5000.00 116,725.18
10,000.00 233,450.36
20,000.00 466,900.73
50,000.00 1,167,251.82
100,000.00 2,334,503.64
EUR rate
March 13, 2025
20.00 0.86
50.00 2.14
100.00 4.28
200.00 8.57
500.00 21.42
1000.00 42.84
2000.00 85.67
5000.00 214.18
10,000.00 428.36
20,000.00 856.71
50,000.00 2141.78
100,000.00 4283.57
200,000.00 8567.13
500,000.00 21,417.83
1,000,000.00 42,835.66
2,000,000.00 85,671.32
5,000,000.00 214,178.29
TRY rate
June 5, 2023

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Northern Cyprus???

There is no internationally recognized country under the name Northern Cyprus. The North part of the island is illegally occupated from Turkey

Southern Cyprus???

There is no internationally recognized country under the name Southern Cyprus. The South part of the island is illegally occupated by the Greeks

Nother Cyprus

I dont know any legal occupation throughout the history. But I know the reason why tukish military invaded the cyprus which was to end the civil war. And in that sence this seems more legal compare to other occupations. At least it is legal than the thing occured in afganistan or in irak but no body can say anything about it in governmental level.Also the fact in Cyprus there are two independent country although the turkish side willing to join the other part(it is prevented by the rum part)and although the nobody regocnize the cyprus turkish republic. As someone has lived in Constantin(Istanbul), Athina and Crete I can say that turk and greek people are exactly the same they have same culture same foods same strong families and same hospitalities and it is no matter even if turkey and greece become a same country.
